Friday, February 13, 2009

Diabetes and Sexual Problems with Males

Diabetes and sexual problems are not with men alone but common to women also. However it is more affecting the potentials physically but even the confidence at mind. The problems have no direct bond to affect the sexual role. A diabetic patient whether male or female is bound to be restricted to nutritious and energizing diet. As a consequence of having poor food to avoid hypoglycemia, the total system loses its vigor which includes the genital function also.

Sex problems with male diabetics

Male diabetics have to face the daily struggles with their ailment. Along with all other complications, diabetics are likely to contend with sexual problems causing to affect their bed scenes and seeking for impotence remedies. Hyperglycemic condition with diabetics does affect adversely the nervous system, which in turn creates problems in bed relation. Men with diabetes are more vulnerable than the women partner. Very often a small physical problem can snowball into a big concern with less impulses of libido enhancer. The active role of male is more emphatic than that of female, although equal role is needed in bed relation. The major problems are three in number.

1. Erectile dysfunction of the sex organ is the major problem for men. The male sexual organ may not sufficiently stimulate the female organ for orgasm.

2.Inability to play sex game, of course to satisfy the female partner is a serious problem.

3.Pre ejaculation or quick ejaculation of semen is also a problem for men diabetics.

4.Anxiety due to no confidence in starting the game.

5.Resultant depression of mind with complex feelings.

Myth about sex problems

An important point with diabetes and sexual problems needs to be mentioned here. One should not imagine any or every other problem related to sex organ to be exclusively due to diabetic condition. It’s needless to have fear of lack of thirst for sex, inability to initiating and inducing the opposite partner for sex play, frictional irritation and infection around the soft area of the genital zones. Some other reasons may also be accountable. Diabetes alone cannot be the sole cause for such problems. If you know that the problems are due to diabetes, feel relaxed and avoid anything imagining because you have natural cures for diabetes.


Don’t let things go for long ways. Try talking to your doctor about your problem without hiding anything and get medication to rule out any deficiencies. If you feel uncomfortable discussing with your doctor, probably you need to find a health care professional with whom you feel comfortable expressing your personal matters connected to your diabetes and sexual problems. In addition to treatment for diabetes, you can have male enhancement medication to enhance and maintain your vigor in sexual affair provided you take nutritious diet for sure energy.

Constrained to diabetes, you can supplement with foods to eat and exclude the foods to avoid.

1 comment:

  1. Hi I have the same problem call erectile dysfunction is the any way can some one help in curing this problem this is causing lot of tension is my married life plz come forwrd and help us
